We submitted our annual financial reports and updated our profile on OTC click here to view --> PTOP - Peer to Peer Network | Overview | OTC Markets We intend to file corporate actions with FINRA namely a reverse stock split with a denomination of 1-400, therefore once approved by FINRA will increase our share price by 400 X's and decrease our issued and outstanding shares 1/400.
The stock price today is $.0003, therefore a post split price would be 400 X's $.0003 = $.12 per share.. (it's at about the absolute lowest price that it has ever traded. It has been significantly higher over the past few months… As high as $.0007 in less than 6 months which is a post split equivalent $.28
It is important to note that aside from 1 press releases in the past 6 months (August) , we have not been active thus far in promoting our Company to increase our shareholder base. This is the absolute longest I have gone without putting out press. The reasoning is simple:
--Funding has been an ongoing issue in 2022, making announcements unless MAJOR MATERIAL EVENTS is not prudent.
- The stock is trading at sub penny levels, therefore it's quite difficult to attract real investors as opposed to short term flippers
-Our “friends of the company” who continue to support the company financially (so that we don’t get de-listed) continuing PTOP the ability to have up to date financials current need to know that they will be able to deposit shares before sinking more money into the company.
- We want to provide potential investors clarity about MobiCard™2.0 our technology and business, not a convoluted story about previous technology that failed.
- Reputable Investor Relations Companies will not take on a sub penny stock issuer with a convoluted story – (MUST have PRODUCT OUT & WORKING)
- We have lacked the funding to achieve the Investors Hub Home Take Over Page (offer detailed in last conference call)
-We are in the process of filing out a Form C to get a Reg. CF filed with the SEC which will allow us to take in an unlimited number of unaccredited investors and obtain Crowd Funding through TruCrowd.com this enables us to raise up to $2.1 million (with the pre-split basis -- $5million Post Split) Allowing us to advertise the stock on social media as well as any websites we choose (including the Investors Hub main page once we pay for the Home Take Over page-- $12,000)
I believe that if we can just get the $150,000 that we fell short last year the entire company will appreciate in value as we knock off the strategic goals that we were unable to fund in the year 2022.